Manufacturer/Supplier in Tukwila, Washington

At RPI, weÕre driven by a common belief in the unique ability of tangible, tactile and engaging personalized print to make real connections between people across cultures and generations, and between businesses and their customers in ways that expand markets, build brands, launch trends and preserve memories. For more than 30 years in locations in the US and Europe, weÕve enabled our customers to do just that. From helping marketers boost brands by integrating print with digital channels, to providing complete back-end production and delivery of cherished memory products for online photo retailers, to guiding companies launching new mobile apps for creating photo products. As business-to-business providers, weÕre about showcasing your brand Ð not our own Ð and we work hard to earn that privilege every day through commitment to exceptional quality, scalability, innovation and reliability. We place a high value on sustainability and we are proud to be certified by the Sustainable Green Printing Partnership, the industryÕs gold standard. RPI's Seattle factory is proud to be the first print manufacturing company in its category to be certified by the Sustainable Green Printing Partnership (SGP), the print industryÕs gold standard in sustainability. As a company working with paper, inks and oils, we are highly motivated to maximize our sustainability and set a high bar for environmental responsibility in our industry. In fact, our commitment to sustainability stretches back nearly 10 years. Today, through our company-wide Zero Landfill initiative, more than 97 percent of RPIÕs waste is recycled or diverted from landfills and we are striving to reduce our landfill footprint to as close to zero as possible.


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

RPI has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

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161-3325 South 116th Street
Tukwila, Washington
USA 98168
(206) 954-4716

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