Home Hereos, Inc.

Service Provider in Georgetown, Ontario

Welcome to the Home Heroes Haven and join the crusade to a Healthier Home!
We have developed this website for you to use as a tool, providing as much information to you, as a homeowner, to improve the air that your family breathes. Our goal is to keep your lungs as healthy as possible to extend years of life and prevent illnesses that may be linked to poor indoor air.

As Canadian building methods make homes more energy efficient, the indoor air quality problem will only get worse. Until we all take preventative measures to remove bio-pollutants and chemical sources, increase ventilation and make high-efficiency filtration a standard practice in all homes, we will be living in unhealthy conditions.

Living in these modern days allows us to embrace many conveniences like durable building products, personal items such as hairsprays, perfumes, and air fresheners and super-strength cleaning products which increase the level of chemicals we breathe on a daily basis to epidemic proportions. The average home has 1,500 hazardous compounds from approximately 3,000 man-made products in it at any given time … and we wonder why respiratory conditions such as asthma have increased four-fold in the last 20 years.

We work with clients with specialized medical needs, healthy individuals and people who just want to be educated in indoor air quality. We provide numerous products and services by trade professionals to ensure a healthy home but also have a great network of other experts who can help in areas where we can’t. This is an added value to you as a client as Home Heroes is a one-stop-shop for all your IAQ needs, making service simple. The Home Heroes team is here to protect your family!


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9804 Eighth Line
Georgetown, Ontario
Canada L7G4S5
(416) 435-4376

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