Mike Bui - EQ1 Real Estate

Service Provider in San Jose, California

Mike develops and manages the operations and sales team for the firm. He brings a unique perspective to his position; innovation, technology, and management. With nearly 6 years of marketing communications and sales experience, Mike develops integrated marketing strategies that employ online, and social networking tools, as well as more traditional tactics including media relations, print advertising, and grassroots campaigns. He leverages technology to market and reaches clients through all mediums, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Yelp, Pinterest, and more.

Mike received his BS from California State University of Sacramento in Business Administration emphasizing Marketing and Finance. Consistently pushing for innovation, he has the ability to see beyond the expected or average solution. In his creativity, Mike strives to see beyond tomorrow with a realistic balance of what is possible and appropriate for today. Throughout his professional career and education, what is his most influential experience? Everyday life.


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Mike Bui - EQ1 Real Estate has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

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230-6980 Santa Teresa Boulevard
San Jose, California
USA 95119
(408) 807-0792

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