Puget Sound Venture Club

Service Provider in Bellevue, Washington

Started in 1985, the Puget Sound Venture Club (PSVC) paved the way for other Angel investment associations that would follow. PSVC was founded with the simple mission of creating a small, focused community of accredited investors who represent themselves or their organizations while providing access to the experience and insight of other investor members. The small, intimate nature of the club ensures that investors have the opportunity to share ideas, ask questions of each other, share contacts, tap in to the knowledge and resources of its sponsors, and even team-up on investment opportunities and due diligence. Through its monthly luncheon, website, and regular email updates, the club offers its members the opportunity to meet and evaluate some of the most promising early-stage companies in the Puget Sound region. The club’s goal is to provide these companies with capital, insight, and experience in an effort to both help them find success and in turn offer high returns to its members. The club also offers education for its members, offering monthly speakers in areas like corporate formation, various investment vehicles, regulatory updates, and more. Speakers include authors, industry experts, knowledgeable consultants, other experienced investors, and our sponsors. Some of our past topics have covered the pros and cons of corporate formation, why start-ups fail, and investing in convertible notes. Over the last 29 years, PSVC members, past and present, have invested in over 800 companies. Companies like Starbucks and Coinstar (now Outerwall) have gone public. And while there are always those that don’t make it, PSVC is focused on the continued search for the next Microsoft, Google, Apple, or Amazon.


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1642-118th Avenue SE, Suite E114
Bellevue, Washington
USA 98005
(425) 635-0797

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