Demand Energy Networks, Inc.

Manufacturer/Supplier in Liberty Lake, Washington

Founded in 2008 and led by a team of seasoned entrepreneurs from the telecom, utility and renewable energy industries, Demand Energy has architected the most comprehensive platform for integrating big-data analytics with energy storage at the edge of the utility grid. Our cloud-based, battery agnostic solution is running distributed energystorage systems today that are producing economic value on two continents and are transforming how energy is acquired and utilized in commercial and industrial buildings. Our systems are boosting the value of renewables by firming and time shifting the power so that it can be dispatched when it is most economically valuable, while at the same time improving grid stability. We believe the deployment of distributed generation and intelligent energy storage systems on either side of the customer meter will make the smart grid smarter, more resilient and cost effective for everyone. In our vision, next generation energy storage is highly decentralized and intellegently controlled. It's scalable for city and individual building applications. Modular as stations for electric vehicle charging. In the very near future, residence sized systems will help home owners save on electricity costs. Energy storage is durable for long life and low maintenance. It is cost effective, safe and dependable. Green and offers huge savings in extended equipment life for exisiting grid systems.



P.O. Box 685
Liberty Lake, Washington
USA 99019
(509) 255-7150

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